

"I'll Teach You How To Start SEEING God's Wealth Promises TRANSFORM Into Your LIFE & Business EXPERIENCE"

SKIP TO 1:10:48 to Learn About EPIC LIFE X-Accelerator

Install Your Kingdom Aligned Heart with EMPOWERMENT from Christ - Activating the 7 Kingdom Manifestation Laws...
AUTOMATE the Only 5 Routines You Need to Create Wealth in 90 Days
The 5 PROVEN Kingdom Exponential Growth Secrets Keeping Your Revenue from Increasing 12X






The Epic Life Wealth X-Accelerator | Implementation Training

THE EPIC LIFE WEALTH X-ACCELERATOR is a 90 Day Online Implementation Training... with the goal transforming any normal person into an Empowered Person In Christ (EPIC) capable of producing Wealth in their Life & Business...

Upon purchase you will get immediate access to the entire programme which begins by showing you step by step how to install a kingdom aligned heart activating the 7 spiritual laws of GRAVITY to become the person capable of manifesting the EPIC Life YOU want! 

You will then learn how to QUICKLY automate the ONLY 5 routines (Literally, the only 5!) you need to create the EPIC Lifestyle... (Increasing income and be FULL of Christlike joy)...

Then take it to the NEXT Level and 12X your income...

This is 100% beginner friendly and suitable for seasoned business owners... This implementation training is designed for a total novice without any prior experience BUT also has training to grow a well seasoned giant in faith and business. Through the 90 days you will get everything you need to transfer any promise from God's Word into your life...

Building A Kingdom Connected Heart & Actions Aligned
with The 7 Kingdom MANIFESTATION Laws of G.R.A.V.I.T.Y.

Week 1: Installing the Identity of an Empowered Person In Christ

Don't have HIGH Expectations of what God is Willing to do in your Life? THAT'S FINE...

The first week of the Epic Life Wealth X-Accelerator is dedicated entirely to helping you grow into the identity of the person capable of creating the EPIC Life you want without slipping back to your old ways...

You'll learn... 

-          How to Build Your Kingdom Foundation KNOWING God's Will, Resources and Principles

-        Discover Who You Really Are, What You Can Do and Have In Christ

-        How To Harness God’s Power to Transform Your Heart Compelling You Into Obedient Kingdom Action

-        How To Spot The Hidden Reasons That Drive Your Unwanted Behaviour and Decisions

-        The Keys To Catching Your Crippling Thought And Behaviour Patterns And Change Them Immediately

-        How To Take A Baseline Of Your Current Identity, Design A New One And Grow Into It

-        How To Audit Everything You Believe to Be True and Rebuild The Core Beliefs Of A Superior Winner

-        How To Design The EPIC Lifestyle You Really Want And Build From Wherever You’re Starting 

-        How The Kingdom of God Works, The Biblical Science To Converting God’s Promises To Real Life Experience

  Week 2: Making Hard Activities Fun & Easy
Learn & Do Immediately (Part 1)

-          Condition Yourself with SUPER Powers to Learn New Info and Do It Immediately 

-        How To Cultivate The Perspective That Makes Hard Things Fun

-        How To Go From Lesson To Lesson With No Lack Of Enthusiasm Until You Are Living The Life You Want! 

-        Setting Up 3 Programmed Responses To Destroy Destructive Fears And Emotions Instantly

-        The 5 Minute Hack That Will Keep You Doing Epic Life Activities For Hours Even When You Don’t Want To

  Week 3: Making Routines Stick for Life In 90 Days
Learn & Do Immediately (Part 2)

-          How to START New Routines, Bypass and Dominate Every 'Freak-Out' Sensation That Stops You

-        How To Maintain Unstoppable Momentum 

-        Income Routine Building X-Accelerator | Making Building Routine Progress Visual So You Stick To It Easy 

-        Everything You Need To Engineer Your 5 Epic Life Wealth Routines Into Incurable Addictions 

-        How To Decide on Your First Epic Lifestyle Goals

-        3X VISION X-Accelerator | How To Reverse Engineer Your Goal And Hit It Rapidly

-        Create Scheduled Routines For Predictable Time Of Accomplishment

5 Kingdom Aligned EPIC Life Routines 
Transfer Wealth From Your Bible Into Life

Week 4: Creating The 5 Wealth Routines To
Generate HIGH Income That Sticks

-          Routine 1: Manage Money Like The Wealthy So You ALWAYS Have Abundance to FInance Your Epic Lifestyle

-        Routine 2: Create In Demand Product/Services

-        How To Pick The Most Profitable Niche That You’ll Enjoy Working In The First Time 

-        How To Identify A Painful Widespread Problem Your Niche Has And Solve It With Your Product or Service

-        Routine 3: Build An Automated Scalable Business System That Blesses Others Producing Income 24/7

-        How To Pick The Perfect Bait To Attract Qualified Buyers Easy

-        How To Make An Irresistible Offer To Convert People Into Raving Fans And Paying Customers

-        Routine 4: Constantly Increase The Conversion Ratio Of People Into Clients

-        Routine 5: Start With Less Than $500 And Rapidly 10X The Volume Of Clients You Serve

Week 5: Installing The 5 PROVEN Kingdom Exponential
Growth Secrets to Increase Your Revenue 12X

-        Kingdom Exponential Growth Secret 1: The Formula to Infinite Scalability CLV > CPL = ∞

-        Kingdom Exponential Growth Secret 2: Exact Strategies How to Double Your Leads

-        Kingdom Exponential Growth Secret 3: Exact Strategies How to Double Your Sales Conversions

-        Kingdom Exponential Growth Secret 4: Exact Strategies How to Add a Prestige Value Offer

-        Kingdom Exponential Growth Secret 5: Exact Strategies How to Increase Customer Legacy Value 

Infinite EPIC Life GROWTH

  Week 6:  Troubleshooting and OPTIMISING
Routines To Hit EPIC Lifestyle Goals FAST

-          How To Interpret Feedback From Activity Results with Accurate Thinking and Build a Frustration Tolerance

-        How To Tap Into Infinite Intelligence For The Wisdom To Overcome Any Challenges 

-        The Scientific Method For Solving Problems

-        How To Effectively Utilize Your Accelerated Troubleshooting Matrix

-        How To Adjust Routines To Keep Progressing Rapidly

-        How To Continuously Improve Your Routines And Increase Your Quality Of Life


Bonus #1: WEALTH ROUTINE - Income Building X-Accelerator | Progression Map

-  So you can make routines STICK for Life in 90 days; Schedule and visually track the progress of installing your Kingdom Aligned Heart, 5 Key Wealth Routines and watch the unseen milestones happening in your brain as your solid routine is established...

Bonus #2:  KINGDOM EXPONENTIAL GROWTH SECRETS - 12X Your Revenue | Swipe File Matrix

-  This one swipe file is worth $10,000 - you'll find multiple strategies for each of the 5 proven categories you can deploy and start seeing ROI immediately...

Bonus #3: 3X VISION X-Accelerator

-  So you can monitor and accelerate (Progression Timelines & Measuring for Epic Life Goal Achievement. You'll be able to SEE where you are, how far you have to go to reach your wealth goals... When you can SEE progress BEFORE there is a visual change to your results, you're x3 more likely to stay on track!

Bonus #4 X-Accelerated Troubleshooting Matrix | ATM

-  So you can optimise your wealth routines (Never get stopped by roadblocks before reaching your goals or settle for mediocre results; With THIS matrix you CAN solve any challenge and achieve your EPIC Lifestyle goals FASTER!


        EPIC LIFE X-ACCELERATOR ($3,997)

        +    6 WEEKS TRAINING 

        +    90 DAYS SUPPORT

        +    LIFETIME ACCESS


  +    WEALTH ROUTINE - Income Building X-Accelerator 

         Progression Map ($1,200)

  +    KINGDOM Exponential Growth Secrets 12X Revenue

         Swipe File Matrix ($10,000)





  USUALLY $1,997 


(Or SAVE $101 WITH 1x $997 PAYMENT)

32 Day | FULL Money Back Guarantee

We are making a bold statement and taking MASSIVE action towards guaranteeing your success...

Unlike 99% of ministries who make bold promises accepting offerings and keeping it regardless of whether what they teach works or not; We stand behind what we teach 100%... If you do this training, take action and DO NOT get the value you were looking for then I will give you a full and immediate refund...


The offer is usually $1,997 and if you want to purchase at any other time than right now you will pay $1,997...

TODAY ONLY you can get access to everything for $997 or x3 payments of $366. YOU must HURRY if you want to secure your seat in this training because this generous discount is a ONE time offer and will NEVER be repeated!


EPIC LIFE X-Accelerator

3 x $366

3 easy payments - full access

How to convert God's wealth promises into life

Lifetime access to training

90 days support

100% Money Back Guarantee

LAST CHANCE AT THIS PRICE - 100% Money Back Guarantee

EPIC LIFE X-Accelerator


one time payment - full access

How to convert God's wealth promises into life

Lifetime access to training

90 days support

100% Money Back Guarantee

LAST CHANCE AT THIS PRICE - 100% Money Back Guarantee


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