Module 1: Installing EPIC Kingdom Identity

ELX M1 Lesson 1: Welcome and Introduction

ELX M1 Lesson 2: How To Build Your Kingdom Foundation Knowing God’s Will Resources And Principles

ELX M1 Lesson 3a: How The Kingdom of God Works | The Biblical Science To Converting God’s Promises To Real Life Experience

ELX M1 Lesson 3b: How The Kingdom of God Works | 1 GRAVITY - Trust

ELX M1 Lesson 3c: How The Kingdom of God Works | 2 GRAVITY - Your EPIC Identity - Discover Who You Really Are, What You Can Do and Have In Christ

ELX M1 Lesson 3d: How The Kingdom of God Works | M1 - L3 - GRAVITY - 2 Your EPIC Identity - How To Harness God’s Power to Transform Your Heart Compelling You Into Obedient Kingdom Action

ELX M1 Lesson 3e: How The Kingdom of God Works | M1 - L3 - GRAVITY - 2 Your EPIC Identity - The Keys To Catching Your Crippling Thought And Behaviour Patterns And Change Them Immediately

ELX M1 Lesson 3f: How The Kingdom of God Works | 3 GRAVITY - Imagination

ELX M1 Lesson 3g: How The Kingdom of God Works | 3 GRAVITY - Imagination - How To Design The EPIC Lifestyle You Really Want And Build From Wherever You’re Starting

ELX M1 Lesson 3h: How The Kingdom of God Works | 4 GRAVITY - Gratitude

ELX M1 Lesson 3i: How The Kingdom of God Works | 5 GRAVITY - Rest

ELX M1 Lesson 3j: How The Kingdom of God Works | 6 GRAVITY - Action

ELX M1 Lesson 3k: How The Kingdom of God Works | 7 GRAVITY - Voice

ELX M1 Lesson 4: How The Kingdom of God Works | GRAVITY - M1 - L4 - Key RESULT Driven Kingdom Heart Alignment Actions


Lesson 1: Welcome And Introduction